
Nearly a Month

Not quite but almost a month now with doing the veg,bean,rice thing, I feel pretty good inside, external view not so dramatic difference....the first 10 pds was it so far, so my super-fat pants are just looser, I'm working on getting into my fat pants, isn't that sad.
I'll just keep going cause it is pretty good tasting & I am not craving anything & i feel better inside. Thats a pretty good reason.
maybe sometime I can find time to exercise. Next job I have, I swear I do not want to sit. It is for sure killin me.
The good thing about this is that if I decide to have a pork taco & a beer, Its ok, I just go back on it the next day, no real harm no real foul. I did experience getting drunk off 2 drinks! woo hoo. I surprise myself & don't notice not drinking. But I also don't notice any super clean feeling or all this extra time I thought I'd have.
so that is all for now


the end

SO the last day was fine, food wise, just busy for me, so didn't blog it.
the end of the diet brings a loss of about 5 pds, but who knows could be just the fact that I didn't drink for 5 days
who knows, so I am going to try to continue this macrobiotic eating & cooking it myself, kinda sucks because I already don't have any time to do anything so cooking is going to take 2 hours & planning & prep, but I'll bugger on.
I was never able to get an answer about how long these folks on the website were on the diet, but I certainly can't afford a month of it!!! If I can find the ingredients in this god forsaken town I can duplicate some of the meals but I think its all about balance & Im not sure I can pull that off, but I can try .
I lost 5 pds, I feel better, I don't have any special mental clarity , I seem to be more tired this week, but that could be part of the reiki 21 day clense.
I'll check back in tomorrow
maybe my beans will be done!


round the bend

DAy 4 of 5, Sunday, USUALLY means lazy & NYTimes & a little food shopping. I hoped to sleep in, I guess I did, I wasn't woken up-just woke up. breakfast was again the pumkin miso, still like it. For lunch ( I ate late) Nishime simmered vegatables-burdock root, carrot , pumkin, fried tofu (?) kombu, It was ok, not my fave, would be good fresh, ... and ate the freakin cabbage fart soup, I wont be repeating that when I make it manually. Now its late & I guess i have to eat the dinner portion, & its the day of 6 items, so that usually excites me, I aint, feeling a bit tortured & edgy. dinner, I think I didn't cook the rice long enough or maybe they screwed it up at the factory, it was dry, & the vegas was soy beans with 5 ingredients, again, when its fresh probably good but this is just kinda blah & grey, not much flavor I didn't even finish it. & Im not hungry either. that must be a bonus...
Oh & went out before lunch to the book store, I had a coupon for a birthday discount, decided to look for a macro cookbook, have been poking around online there really are few. Settled on the Hip Chicks guide to Macro.
Its down & dirty, 'current world macro'. & some fun stuff, I was looking for ( not to buy just to see) the Love, Eric macro dessert cookbook. or a lorna sass macro book, her recipes are always yum, I've used her pressure cooker books. but borders is kinda lame on the selection front. anyway , all that for this tidbit: she noticed that after following this diet for awhile she felt out of balance & discovered that all the diets are written by men & that when she adjusted the Yin (F) & Yang (M) in the diet, & ate less grains & more veg she felt more balanced & happy. VERY Interesting. there are lots of little tips & hints that are not in Michio Kuchi books.happy birthday present to meee.
one more daaaayyyy.. of the boil bags. & PS I don't even think about the booze, or coffee, I haven't had any crazy bowel things like I've read about with detox & this diet, so either its so gentle or I ain't so toxic... BTW so far looks like 5 pds. I haven't been moving though. I dont know where my time goes.


big detox day 3

The Repeat day, except for the lunch veggies. the breakfast soup tasted like miso again, so that made me happy. I've given up all pretense of "no Nukes" and since lunch is always eaten somewhere other than home, its gotta be done. oh well, if I reiki it maybe that will restore the nuked energy. Lunch was good & seemed hefty, it was of course the same amount & since I was eating it with others I kinda ate to fast. the meal was adzuki beans, pumkin & konbu, pretty tasty. I didn't stray but I did add a few edamames today, that was nice to spice up dinner, the most boring evening meal Ye OLDE Rice with "5" ingredients.
I toasted some brown rice to add into my green tea. that is my favorite tea, I went looking to buy it at the store,didnt find it & realized, jeez how hard could it be? it wasn't hard at all, now I have yummy brown rice green tea.
SO thats about it, I'm thinking about figureing out the 'SYSTEM' of the detox, I think it must have something to do with combinations as well as portions, otherwise why would 3 days be the same?
I feel pretty good & only briefly thought about a cocktail.
After my reiki class/treatment today which also added to the detox oh wow did it, I got an extra little bit since i was the person who my teacher demo'd on, wow is SHE CONNECTED, very intense. so there it is big detox day 3. PS the poop is amazing.
maybe I'll weigh my self tomorrow.


Flavor at last

I know its only day 2, but day 2 means SIX PACKETS!! woo hoo, I went to bed hungry last night, I was ready to naw on the daikon radish. And the other joy of the day was PUMKIN MISO SOUP for breakfast, it was orange & tasty, when I actually make it from fresh ingredients it will be YUMMY. Lunch was pretty good too, Black beans & Kombu, I gotta say the GOMASHIO (ground sea salt & black sesame seeds) is a lifesaver in this diet lending toasted yumms. A couple things learned, you really need to make sure you dont over heat them, they get mushy, I think thats what happened to mondays lunch.
The daily repeats are: lunch every day is brown rice, the snack every evening is that horrid veg soup (cabbage soup)
The other repeats are for breakfast 3 times the taro potato (grey soup) & twice the Pumkin Miso, ( I sure wish that was switched) And for dinner they repeat the rice with "5" ingredients, 3 times and you guessed it , its on the day with the grey soup.
So for 3 days you eat the same thing except they "mix" it up at lunch with the veg, thats different everyday.
Tomorrow might be tough sticking to it, (its one of the 3 days of lameness) I am at my REiki class & they had nibbles in the afternoon, so I think I will take edamame with, maybe some rice, In case I have to have something to nibble at least its soy beans. I'll chew alot.
So I am really tired at 3ish in the afternoon, haven't been able to nap because of WORK, ugga, and tomorrow I can't either because its REIKI class! so maybe on sunday I can nap & relax.
Hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be to not drink, although it IS only day 2 !! seems so much longer.
I don't have anything else right now, I'm gonna fix the dinner & I'll let ya know how it is
That was pretty good, for a boil pak. brown rice & adzuki beans Lotus root, tofu & hijiki. more daikon! yum has a sweet flavor maybe the beans, or I have to check to see if there is MIRIN in it. it was good, I tried hard to chew chew chew. I am feeling satisfied, not hungry like last night. Maybe thats why I dreamt of nuns last night...deprivation.....
I think I should stop drinking the green tea at night, herbal would be better, I dont feel tired yet, & wish I was, wish I could nap when I want, American work style (?) sucks, I want siestas &/or shorter days & of course longer vacations.
BORING.......Hubby is having great success in NY, good vibes, & I am doin good & its my bday! woohoo...
Tomorrow is reiki & day 3, kinda cool, reiki is about 3's !


Here I go : green tea & grey soup

So I cracked open my first MRE this morning, the taro potato miso soup, didn't look like miso & the potato was kinda grey.BUT I persevered! the flavor was very tart, and it didn't taste at all like the miso I know. So a little disappointing, I tried to chew32 times or whatever it is but really the potato was not being chewed.
I hid the coffee maker, and all its accesorries last night so I wouldn't forget & make coffee in my haze this morning, so green tea & grey soup. Of course I'm starving by 10:30, figure that if I get really hungry I can eat the rice as a mid morning snack & then eat the root tofu thingy for lunch but am I glad I didn't do that! THe rice is fine, perfectly crunchy & cooked. The 'stir fried' burdock root with miso is ok, grey again & soybeans the beans are yummy. Eating some of the 'everyday' stuff which is really just daikon & umeboshi plums, ooo & those fellas, I don't remember them being sooooo tart, like sourpatch candies only concentrated! so eat them only with rice or something else.
Difficult chewing so long on something thats soft & grey! ewwwwww.( FYI Molly they aren't old, the packet was created 11/06- exp 11/07. ) But what did I expect from MRE style meals from Brazil...
and of course they say dont microwave the food, so I boiled it this morning & carried it in one of those Hot/Cold carriers,still in the pack. so that ain't so great , not cold but not hot, NEED it hot. so I may nuke the rest of it.
so not a joyful start but I think it will be bearable for a few days. then I will cook my own goodies.
evening, maybe I wont put the photos on here, dont know yet. So headachey probably from no coffee, but I really don't even crave a cocktail, that surprises me, I guess I am more focused on trying to get a decent meal! the evening meal consists of about 5 oz of "VEGETABLE soup" ingredients say Pumkin, Onion & Cabbage. mmmm, needs soy sauce & salt ( uh I mean gomahio) I might soon be taking mollys advice & supplementing with some fresh veg.... and some 5 oz of brown rice with 5 ingredients, hijiki (yum) that helps my flavors carrots yam cake shitakes, what not , mostly just mushy texture, the lunch brown rice was cooked better. no midnight snack! oh my.. not really feeling like I am getting my veggies in these packs.
anywho, all I can think about is food, at least that takes my mind off the booze. kinda the same as when I did atkins I was so focused on getting it right that I didn't notice the booze although it wasn't as much of a problem then as it is now.
anyway whether I can take the MREs or not I will continue this MAcro way of eating for at least a few weeks, seems one of my issues is portions, at least they can train my eye & belly on how much to eat.


Its Very Possible its still tminus 36!

Its Very Possible that I will start on thursday and not Wed, tomorrow will be the rush to get hubby to the airport, & get to work . Yes perhaps an excuse, but I also dont want to start & screw up. so I think an evening of preparation is a good idea to make sure I get it right, tonight has been good in that pep prep of the hubby... so I think I will start on thursday & since no one knows I am doing this blog yet!!! no problemo!